EEC-EP, ER and RG Series Capacitors

By Panasonic 414

EEC-EP, ER and RG Series Capacitors

Panasonic Electronic Components presents three expanded electric double layer capacitors (gold caps). These new gold cap devices are some of the smallest in the industry and can serve as possible alternatives to batteries. Applications include industrial equipment, electronic meters, mobile phones, PDAs, and real time clock (RTC) backup. Compliant with RoHS directives. 

  • Operating temperature range: 
    • -25°C to +85°C (ER/RG) 
    • -10°C to +60°C (EP)
  • No charge and discharge cycle limitation
  • Voltage: 2.6 V, 3.3 V, or 3.6 V
  • Reflow solder: 260˚C

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