High Power eGaN® FETs

By EPC 172

High Power eGaN® FETs

EPC's family of high power eGaN FETs offer lower on-resistance, lower capacitance, higher current, and superior thermal performance enable power converters with greater than 98% efficiency. This family of eGaN FETs cuts resistance (RDS(ON)) in half, enabling high-current, high-power density applications. The latest generation of eGaN FETs also cuts the hard-switching figure of merit (FOM) in half compared with the previous generation for improved switching performance in high-frequency power conversion applications. Extending the performance benefits of GaN to 30 V enables high-power DC-DC converters, point-of-load (POL) converters, and synchronous rectifiers for isolated power supplies, PCs, and servers.


  • Lower on-resistance (RDS(ON))
  • Improved figured of merit (FOM)
  • 30 V to 200 V

