LU225 Power Supply Family

By SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands 341

LU225 Power Supply Family

The LU225 from SL Power is a high-performance internal power supply family designed for LED lighting fixtures including architectural installations and other industrial applications, such as test and measurement. This product family offers versatile system integration with available mounting options (top and under mount) and a variety of cooling configurations: convection (150 W), conduction (180 W), and fan cooled (225 W). The LU225 also employs an active inrush current limiter to less than 15 A for a wide AC input range of 90 VAC to 305 VAC and is fully compliant to global lighting and ITE standards for EMI/EMC, which results in shorter development cycles and quicker market adoption for OEMs. The models comprising this product family meet EN55015 (EN55032) Class-B conducted EMI, IEC61000-3-2 Class-C (LED dimming), UL8750, and EN60950 standards.

The LU225 boasts an ultra-high-density open-frame design that enables original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to reduce product size and deliver superior performance while still offering reduced operating noise and a considerably higher degree of reliability. Standard features include a wide input range of 90 VAC to 305 VAC and a built-in EMI filter. The superior active inrush current limit capability (15 A) minimizes the need for multiple circuit protection devices, resulting in lower installation and operating costs.

  • Fan cooled, 200 LFM: 225 W
  • Conduction cooled: 180 W
  • Convection cooled: 150 W
  • Ultra-high-density form factor 2.2" x 4.16" x 1.5" package (standard)
  • 16.4 W/in3 power density at 50°C
  • Wide universal input range 90 VAC to 305 VAC
  • EN55015 (EN55032) Class-B conducted EMI
  • UL8750 and EN60950 approval
  • Meets IEC61000-3-2 Class-C for 0% to 100% LED dimming applications (1 W input power to full load)
  • Global lighting ready
  • 0.5 W power consumption at no-load
  • Active inrush current limiter: 15 A
  • Lighting
  • Test and measurement
  • Audio/visual
  • Industrial
  • Display and signage
  • ITE and comms
  • Automation
  • Broadcast
  • Renewable
  • Military COTS

