MSP430AFE2xx 16-bit Microcontrollers

By Texas Instruments 371

MSP430AFE2xx 16-bit Microcontrollers

Texas Instruments' MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low-power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 1 µs. The MSP430AFE2xx devices are ultra-low-power mixed signal microcontrollers integrating three independent 24-bit sigma-delta A/D converters, one 16-bit timer, one 16-bit hardware multiplier, USART communication interface, watchdog timer, and 11 I/O pins.

  • Low supply voltage range: 1.8 V to 3.6 V
  • Ultra-low power consumption
    • Active mode: 220 µA at 1 MHz, 2.2 V
    • Standby mode: 0.5 µA
    • Off mode (RAM retention): 0.1 µA
  • Five power-saving modes
  • Ultra-fast wake-up from standby mode in less than 1 µs
  • 16-bit RISC architecture, up to 12 MHz system clock
  • Up to three 24-bit Sigma-Delta analog-to-digital (A/D) converters with differential PGA inputs
  • 16-bit timer_A with three capture/compare registers
  • Serial communication interface (USART), asynchronous UART or synchronous SPI selectable by software
  • Basic clock module configurations
    • Internal frequencies up to 12 MHz with two calibrated frequencies
    • Internal very-low-power low-frequency (LF) oscillator
    • High-frequency (HF) crystal up to 16 MHz
    • Resonator
    • External digital clock source
  • 16-bit hardware multiplier
  • Brownout detector
  • Supply voltage supervisor/monitor with programmable level detection

