Texas Instruments' CC2530 is a complete 2.4 GHz RF system-on-chip solution supporting IEEE 802.15.4 and an extensive set of applications.
By Texas Instruments 345
Panasonic introduces theie PAN4561 RF module. This module may be configured from simple devices to complex networks.
By Panasonic 614
STMicroelectronics' SPIRIT1 transceiver is a RF transceiver with low power used for RF wireless applications and can be programmed to operate at a variety of frequencies.
By STMicroelectronics 694
Highly reliable and affordable Bluetooth platform with high data throughput, speed, and flexibility; used in a variety of applications from STMicroelectroincs.
By STMicroelectronics 498
Texas Instruments offers its CC430 family of ultra-low-power microcontroller system-on-chip with integrated RF cores.
By Texas Instruments 623
Texas Instruments' CC2540 is a cost-effective, low-power, true system-on-chip (SoC) for Bluetooth® low energy applications.
By Texas Instruments 956
Texas Instruments' PurePath™ Wireless 2.4 GHz RF SoC for wireless digital audio streaming
By Texas Instruments 587
Panasonic's PAN1323ETU triple mode easy-to-use evaluation module simplifies the development environment.
By Panasonic 494
Panasonic's PAN1326 Series RF Modules featuring both Bluetooth Low Energy and Bluetooth connectivity.
By Panasonic 1117
FDI's serial to Wi-Fi adapter boards provides the means to evaluate the capabilities of GainSpan’s low power Wi-Fi modules and the serial to Wi-Fi embedded software.
By Future Designs, Inc. 503
The PAN1325A/1315A Series Bluetooth RF Modules from Panasonic Electronic Components, now provides Texas Instruments’ CC2560A controller.
By Panasonic 487
Texas Instruments' CC11x is a complete design that reduces component count and offers low power and a longer battery lifetime.
By Texas Instruments 465
Anaren's A2500R24A high-performance radio module incorporates TI's CC2500 transceiver chip in a 9 mm x 12 mm x 2.5 mm package.
By Anaren 535
Crystek Corporation has introduces a line of frequency multipliers, the Crystek Pocket Passive Doubler (CPPD) series.
By Crystek Corporation 401
Crystek Microwave has introduced a new line of attenuators, the Crystek CATTEN series.
By Crystek Corporation 470
Control one light or one group of lights with single and dual rocker wireless light switches from ILLUMRA.
By Illumra 569
The 3-wire Relay Receiver allows lights to be controlled by ILLUMRA self-powered wireless light switches, remotes, and sensors.
By Illumra 421
Ampleon's family of transistors delivers up to one octave wideband operation combined with field-proven ruggedness, efficiency, and linearity.
By Ampleon 530
Vishay's wireless charging receiving coil is durable and offers high permeability and efficiency greater than 70%.
By Vishay/Dale 590
Wurth's WE-LT series are high quality conductive shielding gaskets used in applications such as shielding metal housings and switching cabinets.
By Würth Elektronik 374