Thomas Research Products' LED100WPS1-24 switch mode LED driver is designed as a power supply for a wide variety of applications.
By Thomas Research Products 114
Thomas Research Products has introduced an entirely new family of feature-rich programmable LED drivers under the SelectSync name.
By Thomas Research Products 108
Thomas Research Products LBU10-P emergency LED driver will provide constant 10 W of emergency lighting for at least 90 minutes. Distinct from other battery packs, this ensures a constant illuminat
By Thomas Research Products 143
Thomas Research Products' LBU series emergency driver expanded family offers cost-effective solutions for LED luminaires.
By Thomas Research Products 167
Thomas Research Products' SSP3 series provides one of the most comprehensive lines of surge protectors in North America designed specifically for lighting.
By Thomas Research Products 122
The NutriLED lighting system by Thomas Research Products uses solid-state LED lighting that provides fine-tuned light to optimize growth rate and yield.
By Thomas Research Products 127