By 3M 278
3M E-A-R™ and PELTOR™ hearing protection products are some of the most recognized on the market and are designed to provide protection, comfort, and ease of use. They are dedicated to the success of the user's hearing conservation program.
Noise is the most pervasive environmental pollutant on the planet. Virtually everything makes noise. In fact, silence, meaning complete absolute quiet, is so rare that few people experience it.
Not only is noise present in people's daily routines and recreational activities, but upwards of 5 million Americans, possibly as many as 30 million, work in hazardous noise on a daily basis. Estimates from the National Institutes of Health suggest that hearing loss afflicts 28 million Americans. About 1/3 of those cases are at least partially attributable to noise.
Hearing loss due to noise is almost entirely preventable by judicious use of hearing protection. To find what best fits the individual, try different devices from the wide variety 3M has available today. Hearing protector effectiveness is specified by a noise reduction rating (NRR), typically ranging from 15 dB to 35 dB. In practice, the protection that normally can be achieved is about 10 dB to 20 dB. The more carefully the hearing protectors fit and wear, the higher the protection will be. Instructions should be read carefully to ensure a proper and correct fit.